
Tuesday ;
Have got drama today. went for the rehersal SPEECH DAY
i really got pissed off once and for all.
it`s true that we are eliminated* ?
well, lets face it. YES/
Well. there is not a need for you to show off ur looks of disgust :s
you are such a bitch .

when on the way home i thought my wallet lost.
wa lao if really lost i`ll cry like fuck.

Wednesday ;
the person keep talking about the sports thing.
then tracy decided to make up her ass during assembly.
so retarded. she sat beside me during assembly.
everyone was like O.o at her. (man dont she know shes retarded?)
Reality check X) YES. :s

nothing much really happened.

Thrusday ;
was dragged to school unwillingly like the end of the world is coming.
just so damn tired during lessons that i happen to fall asleep during li jing`s lessons.
after my beauty sleep, head off to the toilet for some sexy action.
tracy is in for make up.
she`s boasting about her blusher and her face blah blah.
really hilarious.
made me burst our laughing like a mad person.
i drew her eye liner oddly and it seems that she did not oppose to it.
so heck!

her face was described as a baboon`s ass but she dont seem to realise about it.
are we too mean or something?
well, maybe somedays in life we have to had some joy.
not taking out on a person?
(i`m sorry i cant help it)

fuck :S i notice i`m speaking very ironically. ?_?

Well not long after this horror show, we just head off to recess.
the lines are long like fuck and i saw rachel right in the front of a shop that an old couple opens.
well, as we all could understand, old people tend to work slow. so its okay.
i asked rachel to get 2 plates of food but she was pressured by people behind.
okay then. we dint really blame her because... we know shes buying like a dozen plates. (well ,close?)
so we lined up behind.
but it seems like the whole line is not moving so me and monica just shifted to the next store eating noodles. laksa yummmm.
as we were eating.
a ray of light shot into my eyes. i looked up and my eyes sparked upon the shiny bald head of a holy monk mumbling.

rachel, being the unlucky victim was fucked by him.
left and right. inside out. outside in.

she was caught because some loser has got nothing to do rather then to pick his nose and complaining about life.
the ones she helped eventually dissapeared into the crowd and i could sense a great sense of happiness and "smlj? i not included" on their looks.
she`s there facing some shit and they are eating like HECK SIA.?

nvm about that. zzz

and when recess is finally over,
we went to our lining up spots (AS USUAL)
monk seems to be looking for his victim to fuck. rachel.
he dont seem to see her in our class because we are lined differently.
does that make sense?

then the loud speaker boomed.
wow. impressive.

so we rushed back to our class.
rachel got called out for some lame reason.

so we just head back to class and rachel is dam depressed.

rachel honey. dun be sad. X) im glad u laughed after awhile heh.

training as usual.
but dint feel like going.
so off i went to eat at 450 and play awhile. LOL. :s



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