I think i should be stronger. :) I'll do what i want.
Showing posts from July, 2010
Right now.
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Hello monday! Now im going to show off my cheap and chio shoes. 15BUCKS ONLY OKAY SO CUTEEEE! The sizings were pretty weird, i had to get like 38 in the end. ._. Fail. Wore blue on monday :) Science was okay, not so bad, but James gave me an F anyway. ._. Was feeling weak and uncomfortable since meeting 3. FML. Seriously, what a time to fall ill. Heh, Went for the CCC talk after school and cabbed home from school. Was severely ill :( The things you do, can pull me and him apart.
Weekend eatery.
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Had steamboat on sunday, and i guess its the reason why i im ill lol. Heh. Was pretty cool, i love the fact i can spam golden mushrooms and, maybe we both sucked in cooking. Enjoyed the day shopping with my S and i bought new shoessss!! Will show off in next post :)' Don't ask me why i hold my chopsticks like that. Its a habit. ._.
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I used to like her songs, but now i love it! :) Not gonna fangirl or anything but she's damn awesome! I went for lunch today around my place. KFC AGAIN :D Walked around, went to play around with makeup testers. Make a mess out of our faces and went home happily :) I WANT TO LEARN HER EYE MAKEUP PLEASEEEEE. & I LOVE HER HAIR, LIKE SERIOUSLYZXZXZX. Dear god, why am i not blonde lol.
Lets start light.
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No matter what i do, i'll still be in love with you. Holamuffins. I have a love-hate relationship with cognitive. Just love cognitive, but hate that i always have a throbbing headache after. Went for KFC with some peeps from my class. Went home and did the lamest cognitive RJ in my life. Was too tired so i fell asleep :3 I really want to be there for you on saturday...
My heart is filled with you (;
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Love. A word so short, so simple yet has caused so many emotions. It comes in many forms and many ways, simply putting it, it comes with strings attached. We cried for love, we smiled for love, we are willing to sacrifice almost anything just for love. Why does this 4 letter word cause so much impact on our lives? Love is a contradicting word. Its short yet holds a heavy message, followed by serious consequences. It goes both ways, good and bad. To know what love really is, we've been though both scenarios. Love sweeps us off our feet, made us smile in our sleep, made our heart betray our mind, made us believe that life was so much better not being alone. Love may cause a damaged heart, a painful collection, and perhaps a million tears. Sometimes you don't get what you want in love, but you get to enjoy the bits and pieces in loving. Some say they gave up on love, didn't believe in love. But deep down inside, all they want, is someone to prove them wrong. We were all loved ...
Drown me with love.
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WANTS, WANTS, WANTS. Letters to Juliet was GOOD . Its hardly showing anymore :( Because it came out 1 month ago during June! To everyone out there, watch it before its too late! Unless of course, you got other ways of watching it :P Show was hilarious throughout. Teared a few times. Overall 4/5 :) However, the movie is kinda like saying " Its okay if you leave your partner for the one you love " Whats your take on this movie? :) Watch and see for yourselves!
Merry go round.
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Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. - Blair Waldorf - Okay, apologize, i only blogged 5 times, instead of 7. (As stated on twitter!) Ha ha. Anyway, Everyone is getting hurt everyday, How do i know? Facebook :3 But honestly, i could say a million things about breaking up and moving on. Yadah yadah yadah. But i'm not gonna do that, Cause you just want that person. Regardless what happened. Right? :) *Wink So, hold on to the one you love.
But now.
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Look at us now. Today, i'm going to stand right by your side, as just your friend, your trust and your shoulder. Your mind flicker like street lights, hardly showing the way to homeless souls, lost hearts. Your locks swept by the side, slowly reaching out to me, yet retreating when i lay my finger on your chest, where your heart resides deep within. Stay. For i need a ear like how you have mine, for i need the trust i can never find, for the shoulder that i may need to rely. You tried to prove a point, but really, is that even what you desire, what you can show? Its hard to see you go, see you wander off like butterflies, but i'll keep mum, i'll blend in agony, just as long as you're happy. Stay happy.
Baby we're stuck with each other.
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A little bit of regret, but we only live once. Orchard today with S. Yes, check out my ugly hair :S Have to get his formal wear and i picked the two colours for him :) Isn't he lucky he has me? :) Hope he sincerely likes it, though. Had dinner at 313 Somerset basement. A little bit of everything, I'm a happy girl :) Didn't do much, went home thereafter. Saturday nights are quiet. Hahahaha.
Aspirations and Dreams.
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When we were little, our teacher asked us what we wanted to be. " Doctor, Scientist, Nurse, Teacher, Lawyer, Police " We all answered. Now life has gone so far, our dreams changed time and time again. Some of them have found their true self, yet some are still searching. For the people who finally knew what to choose from in life, How many times have others tried to drill into your head what you should be? How many times they tell you which was better paying and which was not? How many times your heart took their advice, which was actually their own dreams? And how many times have you truly listened to what you really wanted. Ironically, yet, how many really got what they wanted? Every year is going to get tougher by the steps we take. Every breathe will be taken deeper each day. Soon you'll see yourself panting with exhaustion, Soon you'll see yourself escaping the pain of sweat. Enough of senseless talk. I already knew what i wanted. No one is going to change it. Im...
Go fuck yourself.
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LOOK AT THIS CUTE CHAP! :) Its faithfully my starting pokemon since forever! :) Yes, i hate Charmander because it is overrated! Boo (N) My class is mad crazy about pokemon!! :) Everyone is playing it hahaah! I want a togepi in game! Pretty please? :))) Tskkk, MATHS UT WAS OMFGZ unexpectedly weirdly simple... Strange, not much formulas used... Just common sense and such. I PRAY TO GET AT LEAST A B PLEASE?? :) (Y)
Lets make an impact.
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When you're at your teens, you break all the rules, go against whats good. Never listen to anyone or anything and try every possible option that hurts. I never understood what i really wanted. Never could i make myself love without doubt. Funny how things change cause now i see a slight flame burning out. My birthday was good. Perhaps a little unexpected. Made me see what is what i really need and what not. I see alot of things i love around me. My 2 little dwarfs that never fail to annoy the shit outta me, and of course make me love them so much, Edwiana and Denise, The people around me i care so much about. I shouldn't change or isolate myself from the people that care. I need to resume my life i left once school started. I need to get back what i deserved. Hey suckers, DIANA is back.
Birthday Celebrations!
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I AM FINALLY 19. (Sucks, to the max) But oh well, i cannot fight time! So im at the last year of my teenage life, moving on exactly 1 year from now! I didnt really intend to celebrate or anything this year, Due to many things, mainly just dont have the mood to? However, BFFs and I did meet up to have a small catch up session! Walked around the FLB's Flea and Edwiana got herself a necklace heh. The flea was so packed and disorganized...There was hardly any space to walk. Left quickly as it was too hot and stuffy inside with so many people. Anyway saw quite a couple of people at the flea! Good good! ;) Had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe @ Orchard. The food there, so so only la hahahaha, but it wasnt so bad. The environment looks cosy and we recieved balloons! :) When the cake was brought out, The Crew made me stand on the chair while the rest sing a birthday song for me. Haha funny max. (Y) Thanks Denise and Edwiana for DESIGNING the BEAUTIFUL cake :P HAHHAHAHA!!! Continued Nuaing at town ...
Psy yai yai.
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I guess i haven't really blogged about my BORING school life for quite some time now... Communications module today. Nothing interesting happened. Enterprise UT was okay. Quite difficult compared to the first UT. Took a bus to bugis from school after UT. Woah took like 1hour to reach leh :( Shag. Slept on the bus so many times. Tsk tsk. Met my cousin and her wedding sisters at mos burger. Tried on the dress and discussed certain issues. Went home and watched abit of pokemon :) I loveeeeeee Togepi.